Thursday, June 21, 2012

Day Fourteen: Beef May Hate Me, But Chicken is My Friend

Thank you for the tips about my beef crisis. Maybe one day next week I will be ready to let go of my grudge against cows and try my hand at it again.

Chicken has proven to be my strong suit, though. I scored a REALLY sweet deal (something to the tune of less than $3) on a whole chicken at the local grocery store this past weekend. It wasn't a huge chicken, but it was 5 pounds and that's more than enough for just two of us for a few meals. I had oven roasted birds before, but it has been quite a while so I wasn't expecting anything spectacular. Well, when I was considering how I might actually go about prepping the birdy, I came across a REALLY simple recipe on Pinterest. (See! I told you I can't live without it.)

So, I threw everything together (including a few sprigs of fresh rosemary from my garden that my dad so graciously planted for me. Thanks again, Daddy!), popped the chicken in the oven and went to enjoy my workout. Then in about an hour, the chicken and I were both done!

Again, I apologize for the poor picture quality. This is what happens when you cook while it's dark outside (i.e. there is no natural light to help improve the picture).

OH MY GOODNESS!!!! My mouth waters just thinking about the delectable bird. It was so good, I probably could have just sat at the stove and eaten the whole thing by myself. I would have been mighty sick afterwards, but it might have been worth it. In my humble opinion, it was better tasting than any of those rotisserie chickens you can by at the super stores. And it didn't have any preservatives or surprise ingredients! Yes, it took a little bit more effort, but honestly, it was maybe 10 minutes total hands-on time. To me, that is worth the peace of mind that I'm not pumping my body full of hidden crap.

I took some with me to work last night and ate it alongside my roasted vegetables (the ones roasted with the leathered beef) from the night before. Delicious combination, but the picture would have looked so much prettier with some greens on the side, as well.


     Leftover sirloin roast
     Baby carrots

     Roast chicken
     Roasted veggies

     Roasted pumpkin seeds
     Baby Carrots

As a side note, I started doing the Insanity workouts tonight. My plan is to alternate days between Insanity and the Supreme 90 Day workouts. (This is the plan for now. We'll see how it pans out!) But, anyhow, I may or may not have broken down in tears halfway through the first Insanity workout. No one is able to confirm or deny, so I cannot be held accountable for my emotions, but sheesh! Those workouts are killer! Phew!

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